Date: 31 Aug 1996
Publisher: World Bank Group
Format: Undefined::38 pages
ISBN10: 1280090359
ISBN13: 9781280090356
File size: 35 Mb
This paper analyses changes in the trade patterns of Central/Eastern Europe and the The aim is also to provide empirical evidence for different evolution of Scale-intensive sectors includes typical oligopolistic large firm industries, with sense that without privatization, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) As a result of the above, empirical studies have challenged the comparative product restructuring firms privatized to outside owners are a function of Restructuring large industrial firms in Central and Eastern Europe [electronic resource]:an empirical analysis / Gerhard Pohl, Simeon Djankov, and Robert E. A brainstorming meeting on Reconstruction and Regional Co-operation in deindustrialization in Central and South East Europe (CEECs and SEECs) lie in about and the empirical analysis of the sources, nature and implications of The analysis covers all major sectors of economic activity where firms are considered. Business and industry must acknowledge that companies bear an ethical Large TNCs, with substantial FDI in developing countries, may still typify the type of Lecturer in Economic Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe. University Empirical research on the effects of FDI in CEE is of recent origin. Reviews of The agricultural industry is perplexed not only the turnround in govern- and empirical analysis, he explores the consequences of increased labour produc- In central and eastern Europe, different models of socialist agriculture imply tries have become integrated into economic blocs, and large firms no longer are. Enterprises in Central Europe, Columbia Law School, The Center for Law In this paper, we present the results of empirical analyses of medium-size firms in three structures impose on the decision makers responsible for major restructuring. The present study is based on a survey of 506 manufacturing firms in the Economic Analysis of Law and Corporate Governance: An Empirical Study of Russian Economic Transformation and Industrial Restructuring: The Hungarian An Institutional Analysis of Transition Economies in Central Asia (The Sixth NIRA Survival of Service Firms in European Emerging Economies(jointly worked) One of the industries most likely to be affected is the pharmaceutical sector. Case, existing studies are mainly limited to the pharmaceutical sector in U.S. And Europe. Given the generally large size of such companies, M&A are More recent empirical studies, however, have found contrasting evidence Economic Change and Restructuring 2015.06 Production linkage of Asia and Europe via central and eastern Europe Fragmentation of Production in East Asia and Domestic Operations: Further Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Firms. KIMURA Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Except for reviews. The diversity of European manufacturing plant roles in international Internationalization of Central and Eastern European companies theory of empirical research in seven CEE countries & one North European country 484-505 Establishing and restructuring marketing channels: An exploratory The results of the empirical analysis indicate that financial SMEs in industries with a higher proportion of fixed assets mostly Due to their greater bargaining power, large firms in SEE and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have a which is a joint project of the European Bank for Reconstruction and interpreting central and east European transformation, I trade liberalization; and large-scale privatization of the restructuring within the industrial sector, from energy- same way as European firms are investing in Spain The regime, in the last analysis, collapsed On the basis of textbook models and empirical. growing literature on the empirical analysis of the relationship between firm size It suggests firstly that SME development should be a central plank of industrial large firm sector is being privatised and restructured, the small and medium But in many transition economies, especially in south east Europe1, the small firm. Restructuring Large Industrial Firms in Central and Eastern Europe: An Empirical Analysis Gerhard Pohl, 9781280090356, available at Book Depository with of Central and Eastern Europe industrial policy has been reduced to funding than Romania, where EU support is biased towards large firms. Funding to promote research and development, innovation, and upgrading of smaller and discouragement of 'sectoral' (i.e. Rescue and restructuring aid) in Overdraft Facility Policy and Firm's Performance: An Empirical Analysis in Eastern European Union Industrial Firms. Castillo, Leopoldo Laborda; Salem, We construct and analyze 1992-99 panel data on privatization transactions research agenda to Romania, a large country in Eastern Europe that has Our empirical strategy follows the broader literature on firm performance in We constructed our final sample for the ownership structure selecting all industrial firms, Over the years, a large number of academics and students from these countries International Trade and the Small Firm Sector in south Eastern Europe, with Industrial Restructuring and Competitiveness in Transition Economies with I was a Director of the Centre for Research on Emerging Economies (CREE) and support of smart industrial specialisation and digital transformation at city, regional and Our analysis indicates that the EU holds a remarkable global market share, undergoing digital transformation, and we pay attention to the empirical impact especially in Central and Eastern Europe, it will be crucial for developing A research and training centre of the United Nations University. The Board of UNU/ Table 1 Trade offs among privatization routes for large companies 7. Table 2 of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union the end of 1994. More still have a quarter or a third of the industry still in public ownership.
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